Friday, October 5, 2012



Ever since I can remember, drawing and designing has been in my blood.  I can't remember a time when I was growing up where I wasn't drawing or designing something for someone.  The thing of it is; I've always enjoyed it and to this day I still do enjoy it.

Growing up I loved to watch my grandpa, Gaynard Harvey, draw all sorts of neat cartoons and publications.  He was someone that I admired.  He was a professional artist doing work for ATK/Thiokol, and did for the NASA space shuttle program.  Growing up, he would give me tips on what would help make a design or drawing better.  He would teach me about shading, using negative space, the correct colors to use, etc.  He taught me a lot growing up, and that's ultimately where I got a lot of my talents from.

Another infulence of mine is my Aunt Gayliann Harvey.  She has worked for companies such as Paramount Pictures, working as a graphic artist for a several television shows.  She was a graphic artist for the television show, Star Trek, and is currently now an artist for the television show Scandal.  She is one who has really pushed me to learn programs to build artistic experience and make my personal portfolio stronger.  She has really been a great example to me and I really admire her work ethic.

My interests today for my designs are sports, music, and life in interesting points of views.  I love sports, music, and art.  I love being able to come up with different concepts for teams in all sports to see how they would look.  I would usually go the extra mile to do a branding packet of logos, uniforms, colors, etc.  I've been doing these kind of concepts ever since I was a kid.

Another huge influence is music, and relating it and tying it in with the world around me.  I love taking songs that I love and drawing them up and putting them on paper.  All these things are a big part of my life and I love being able to get my expressions and feelings out and letting people see what I see through my art.

In the upcoming semesters at Weber State University while studying Visual Communications; I plan to study harder and smarter to be a better artist, designer, and even a better marketer.  I want to get to a level where people will start to see and appreciate my work.  People are influenced by artists and photographers everyday.  Art today has become a huge part of our lives, and I think that art and design have a way of speaking.  With that being said, I want my voice to be heard.